It’s been a long, hard day and you can barely keep your eyes open. There’s only one place you want to be and that is snug as a bug in bed! The night has grown chilly so you eagerly dive beneath your trusty old quilt that your grandmother made for you, looking forward to being cradled by its soft warmth. But wait, what is this? Little bits of foam on your pillow? It looks like your quilt has sprung a leak, there is a big tear in it! The cat denies any wrongdoing but remains your chief suspect. If only there was something you could do to protect your lovely old quilt…
Well, fortunately, there is something you can do, and it’s much easier than you think! All that’s needed here, after a quick patch job, is to slip on some double bed quilt covers that will protect your quilt from the cat’s claws and a lot of other things that might reduce its years of service. It’s so simple, quilt covers go on over your quilt to give it both added style and extra protection!
First off, let’s examine the primary duty of quilt covers, protecting your quilt from harm while keeping it sanitary and clean night and day. Accidents happen, a cosy breakfast in bed can easily go wrong, resulting in spills and stains on your precious old quilt that a cover would have prevented. Then there is dust, that all-pervasive enemy of cleanliness, it floats in the air nearly invisible until it lands on your quilt and coats it with grey crud that can permeate the fabric and be terribly difficult to remove! Not to worry with a quilt cover, you just slip it off and shake it outside, dust away! Your quilt is clean and safe.
Quilt covers are easy to fit, and they come with buttons, zippers, or ties that will make sure the cover is held fast to the quilt, and won’t slip out of place. This is especially helpful to restless sleepers who tend to kick their bedclothes around, or bunch them up, no matter how much you rustle around the quilt cover will remain steadfastly on duty, and its grip on your quilt will not let go!
Quilts, while being the epitome of nighttime comfort, are notoriously difficult to clean properly. If you have ever made the mistake of trying to stuff one into your washing machine and returned to find a sudsy flood in the laundry room you can attest, what a mess! Your quilt needs to be gently hand washed, which isn’t an easy task, considering you will need a very large wash tub to float that beast in! While a quilt cover might not completely curtail the necessity of an occasional quilt wash, it will certainly make that task much less frequent! Plus, the quilt covers themselves are designed to be easy to clean, just throw them in the washer and they will be back on duty protecting your wonderful old quilt in no time!
One last thing, quilt covers come in a huge variety of colours and patterns, so they look fantastic, too! Now you can slip into bed and get cosy, have a great night!